Haigh Lane, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S36 7JJ



Hoylandswaine Primary School

Pupil Premium Expenditure

Pupil Premium Grant was introduced for pupils eligible for free school meals (FSM) at any point over the last six years with the intention of closing the attainment gap between disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged children.  This is at a rate of £1,345 per child 2022/23.

There are no guidelines on how this money can be spent, although performance tables now contain information about the impact schools have made on diminishing differences between pupil premium children and others.

Schools must evidence strategies in place to raise the attainment of FSM pupils and what the associated costs are alongside attainment and progress figures for this group of children.

Since 2012 we have been required to publish details of our PPG on our website, which must include:

  • The amount of the school’s allocation
  • Details of how it is intended to be spent
  • Details of how the previous years allocation was spent
  • The effect of the expenditure on the attainment of the pupils the grant was intended for

Below you can find the latest report for this academic year alongside last years.